Welcome to Live Light Nutrition

Nutrition information to live your healthiest life.

From a young age, MIRANDA MALISANI dreamed of being able to educate and inspire others to live their healthiest life.

Today, Miranda shares practical nutrition tips regularly on THE MARILYN DENIS SHOW.

With studies in both Broadcast Journalism and Holistic Nutrition, Miranda gained the tools to create Live Light Nutrition,

a consulting organization offering customized nutrition presentations and individual assessments.

Check back here for info, ideas and recipes!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My Experience Coaching Dr. Poon Dieters

I've had the opportunity to see the ins and outs of Dr. Poon's diet  through the perspective of the dieter over this past year.

Having a holistic background in nutrition I felt that I was taking a chance in trying to integrate my philosophy about food and eating with supporting those wanting to be on a ketogenic diet (restricting carbohydrate intake sufficiently to cause ketosis)

I don't usually believe in diets because it takes the connection away from the individual in knowing what one's body truly needs for weight-loss to occur. It puts responsibility in the hands of someone else while sticking tight to a one-sized fits all approach of when to eat, what to eat and the time to eat it. But, with 59% of Canadians currently overweight* it is crucial that the weight comes off even if it means using a diet program, which in this case is covered by OHIP.

This was an excellent learning experience for me personally as it gave me the chance to be creative and come up with some ideas to make participants as healthy as possible while on such a restrictive diet.

So here's my top 20 things you should know if you are on this diet:

1) A weight-loss diet does not equal a healthy diet: You can lose weight, which is important for health, but don't confuse this diet with a healthy balanced diet.

2) There is NO one size fits all approach to healthy eating: We are all different, with different biochemical needs.You can use a weight-loss diet to lose weight, but you MUST have a plan after to help yourself to be your healthiest once the weight is gone.

3) Start creating new food routines: When you create NEW healthy routines that become comfortable you've entered into a lifestyle change.   An example of a new healthy food routine is having at least one salad per day with a healthy homemade salad dressing.  Don't expect that you will be able to keep the weight off if you do not start to create healthy new routines.
4) Reach for good quality pesticide-free vegetables, hormone-free meats, and free-range organic eggs.  This diet encourages a high-meat consumption. You are probably eating extra lean meat, but don't forget about looking at the quality of the meat. Often the chemicals and additives found in many products disrupt hormones and can slow down weight-loss.

5) Eating less does not equate to losing more: Many did not know what to eat on Dr. Poon's diet so they decided that you wouldn't eat much at all. This will slow down weight-loss. The body slips into starvation mode and metabolic rate slows. Starving yourself is like having a bad relationship with your body. Trust is broken. Your body does not trust that you will feed it so it holds on to your resources and doesn't let you burn. You need to begin to fuel your body every few hours to bring back trust. The first few weeks or even month of the program you will be re-training your body to accept food more frequently, enjoy new tastes. not need as much sugar and salt, and drinking more water.

6) Just because it is permitted on Dr. Poon's doesn't mean it's right for you: Listen to your body. If you have an upset stomach from the sugar alcohols then stop eating them or if the shirataki noodles aren't sitting right then put them aside. Eating foods that your body finds "poisonous" will not make the weight-loss process easy. One of the most important elements to weight loss is listening to your body.

7) Always choose whole-foods first: Choose foods that are from a natural source. If you only rely on processed products that are full of sugar alcohols and other man-made ingredients it may contribute to vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

8) Just because diet pop is allowed on the program does not make it healthy: Carbonated beverages destroy important enzymes and can leach calcium out of your bones. Choose water!

9) Begin to prep your food the day before: I found that the most successful Dr. Poon dieters or anyone looking to make a change would cook on Sunday or just plan our their meals for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. This way you feel you have started the week in a successful way. You will feel in-control and as a result your Thursday and Friday will probably be much better too.

10) To avoid the weight-loss plateau always rotate your food: Don't get stuck eating the same breakfast (egg whites and spinach) and then snack (biscotti), lunch (salad and grilled chicken) snack (cheese and flax bread) Dinner (Fish and Broccoli) Change it up. This is important. To maintain your health while on this plan you have to search for the healthiest items (most nutrient dense) and eat it on a rotation basis. This means breaking down the constructed notion of what breakfast looks like, lunch and so on. You know you can have a protein and vegetable and unlimited leafy greens, so eat this anytime of day that you need to. I would always try to reach for the best quality meats, fish. Ones that are free of hormones and other preservatives. Try to look for wild or farmed fish at least 75% of the time.

11) Take another look at the leafy greens section: Most of the participants in my sessions overlooked Swiss Chard, Kale, Collard Greens, Arugula, Dandelion Greens, Cabbage. These and many more are permitted on the program and they are nutrient gems! Check out this website for some easy recipes that include leafy greens. http://www.whfoods.com/recipestoc.php
You may have to slightly change each recipe to make it more Dr. Poon friendly, but it is an amazing resource that will help you to become more empowered about what you are putting in your body.
I made one of the recipes from this website on the Marilyn Denis Show, with just a few small changes. You can check that out here: 

12) Do not keep yourself on a phase longer than you need to: I saw that many would jump back and forth from phase one to phase two because they would gain some weight from choosing some unhealthy carbohydrates. Learn to recognize the difference between a simple carb and a complex carb. Simple carbs spike your blood sugar leading to a sugar syndrome. Your body is looking for nutrients but cannot find any in most simple carbs. Complex carbs create a slow release of energy in your body. 

13) Don't get down on yourself: I have spoken with many wonderful people over this year who's efforts should have made them feel pride and excitement. But instead, I often heard anxiety and disappointment. Sometimes when you are so focused on the end goal you miss the small victories that make the weight-loss journey one of a lifestyle change. Do not get fixated on the number on the scale only. Remember that true weight loss requires a change not only in the physical, but emotional and mental constructs. If you feel that you have always been overweight and you can only see yourself being overweight it may be the hardest challenge to lose the weight because you believe that you will always be overweight.

14) Be the leader of change in your social circle: I often heard comments about it feeling embarrassing or upsetting to be out with friends while being on a strict diet. There are probably many people in your circle who are looking for motivation to lose weight. They may come off in a peer pressuring kind of way where they want you to eat more or criticize you for what you are doing. Stand strong and offer them support if they want to do the same. 

15) Feed yourself with good quality thoughts, not just good quality food: It's a daily practice to change your lifestyle. Remind yourself about this everyday. Post sticky notes around your home or office, start a gratitude journal and write in it first thing in the morning and in the evening. I like to call this a daily gratitude sandwich. These daily positive thoughts are holding together your energy even if you have a stress-filled day. You may want to start a wellness board in your home (kitchen is a great place for it) write down positive affirmations like:
"Weight loss is effortless"
"I am in control of my eating"
"I am creating new food routines and they will become comfortable again"
"I am healthy"
" I am now ready to deal with my inner and outer self"
"I am so grateful for________"

16)  Change your food-attitude: If you feel that eating healthy is a burden and you are missing out on better tasting food then you are trapping yourself into eating for taste and not for health. When you begin eating for your health you will start to find the amazing enjoyment in good for you food. 
You don't feel like you are depriving yourself, you feel responsible to yourself.

17) Learn to look at food as fuel: You will need this fuel the rest of your life. This will never change. When you make the decision to accept this, all efforts will get easier. You will know that good fuel will help you to be healthy and poor fuel with contribute to health issues. 
18) Keep your digestion flowing: With the increase in heavy meat consumption bowel movements become slower. This will make it harder for the body to absorb the important nutrients and remove the toxic waste. Due to the acidic nature of meats try to balance it out with alkaline greens to ensure a healthy PH balance.

19) Read Labels. Dr. Poon's program focuses on low-carb, low fat and minimal sodium. This is a great website to help you to understand what foods to avoid based on his criteria of low carb. Just search a food and see the macro and micro nutrients http://nutritiondata.self.com/

20) Look a little deeper: Louise Hay is a amazing meta-physical lecturer who has conducted extensive work on understanding how emotions manifest our physical symptoms or issues. When it comes to weight-gain Louise believes that we gain to protect our self from whatever pain we are experiencing. For one to get past the diet mentality and into a lifestyle change, it may be important to look deeper at trapped emotions and be willing to work through old patterns. You Can Heal Your Life, is a book and now movie that I recommend you look into for more uplifting information/

*Stats Canada, 2011 Obesity rates in Canada

Miranda Malisani
Holistic Nutritionist, Founder of Live Light Nutrition
Nutrition Expert for The Marilyn Denis Show on CTV


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Healthy Holiday Eating

It’s the Holiday Time! There’s a chill in the air, bright lights on the streets and festive frolicking at every mall. There is also holiday treats in the office at work, tins of sugary temptations at home and parties to go to with an abundance of heavy food options.  Although it is a cheerful time of year it can also be a guilt-ridden stressful time because of the lack of control surrounding food you may feel during the holidays.

You may wonder, how you are going to enjoy yourself and not gain weight?
You may think about it so much that you just say:
“Whatever! The holidays only come once a year so I am going to eat whatever I want and then worry about it in January.”

I like to call this the Food Trap Layaway. It’s the one responsible for the yo-yo cycle of weight-gain.  It’s the same as the buy now, pay later purchases we make.
As much as you tell yourself you will put money aside, or you will eat better tomorrow it is just so hard to put it into action.
It is no wonder that January is the most depressing month of the year.

This holiday season, I encourage you to change your self-talk to:
“I am going to be in-control of my food decisions and I am going to enjoy doing so”
You have it in you, just make the connection this time around.

Changing your perception about eating will help you to become more responsible for your health.  You will start to relate more to the feeling of giving your body good quality fuel rather than feeling bummed out that you have to deny yourself that gooey piece of Aunt Carol’s Sweet Potato Pie.
Changing your food attitude can create a feeling of empowerment and excitement that makes the holidays just as joyous.

This season, eat for health, rather than how it hits your palate.

All the best for a healthy and happy 2012!

Miranda Malisani
Holistic Nutritionist, Founder of Live Light Nutrition
Nutrition Expert for The Marilyn Denis Show on CTV
