Welcome to Live Light Nutrition

Nutrition information to live your healthiest life.

From a young age, MIRANDA MALISANI dreamed of being able to educate and inspire others to live their healthiest life.

Today, Miranda shares practical nutrition tips regularly on THE MARILYN DENIS SHOW.

With studies in both Broadcast Journalism and Holistic Nutrition, Miranda gained the tools to create Live Light Nutrition,

a consulting organization offering customized nutrition presentations and individual assessments.

Check back here for info, ideas and recipes!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

How to Deal with Energy Vampires

Have you ever felt like the energy has been sucked from you from the mere presence of someone else? Or you feel like no matter what you say or do you are wrong? How about when you work so hard to impress, but end up being criticized? You try hard to remain positive and strong, but their negativity and toxic approach leaves you feeling drained, anxious and depressed.  These people are called Energy Vampires. They can show up at home, work and play.

So how do you deal with these energy suckers? 
Unfortunately, garlic doesn’t work here.

Here are my 5 tips:

1) Poor Baby: imagine the person as a small child, who probably has been treated poorly by a parent or caregiver. Possibly, neglected emotionally and not given the care and support in the formative years that is crucial for good energy to flow.
2) Rise Above: many negative people have deep-seated fears, insecurities and sadness that they cannot come to grips with. It feels better to make someone else feel bad then deal with his or her own pain.  Try to smile through the energy sucking and not allow their words or choices to enter into your heart.  When you rise above, a negative person will not get the same satisfaction out of the experience and will often move on.
3) Look in the Mirror: often, I have found that people come into our life to teach us a lesson. Possibly, this negative person can teach you something valuable about yourself. Write down how the person makes you feel: does it trigger any past memories?  How would you like to be able to deal with conflict? Journaling can be helpful during this process.
4) Bubble Boy:  is not just a Seinfeld character, but something you can imagine to protect yourself from an energy vampire. Some find it valuable to visualize a protective bubble or white light surrounding you. You can even imagine mirrors that reflect back to the person the negative vibes they are sending out.
5) Lover not a Hater:  especially when it’s a family member, the only thing you can remind yourself of is that everyone needs love to grow.  The very thing you would like to see in the negative person is the only thing you can give out. This doesn’t mean you have to accept the negative behavior, especially if it’s harming you emotionally.  But try to send the person loving thoughts rather then hurtful ones.

The goal is to not be angry at this toxic person, but to help them to learn the lessons that will allow them to grow emotionally.

If you have any tips that have worked for you, please post to share with others.


  1. Carrying resentment around takes a lot more work than carrying love around!! People need to remember to clear out all the negative so there is room for positives to come through to you!!

  2. Hi,

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